Hi, my name is Hreinn
I graduated in June 2023 from a two-year study in Front-end development at Noroff Oslo.
In the first year I have learned amongst others, Design and Interaction principles, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Content Management Systems.
In year two, CSS and JS Frameworks, Workflow and Development Platforms.
Have a look at my portfolio so far below.
The projects are sorted with the newest first. With more detailed descriptions on their respective GitHub repository.
My Projects

SvelteKit ChatGPT
Chat interface app using OpenAI API. Streaming responses, auto scroll, and code block support among the features. Built with SvelteKit and Tailwind.

Holidaze - Project Exam 2
An accommodation booking site where users can sign up and place bookings on venues, or create venues when signing up with a manager account. Built with React and Tailwind.

eShop - JavaScript Frameworks Course Assignment
An eCom store with Add to Cart, Checkout and Contact form functionality. Built with React and Sass.

Norbid - Semester Project 2
An Auction website where users can add items to be bid on, and bid on items other users have put up for auction. Built with Vite, Tailwind, JavaScript and HTML.

Pawtalk - Project Exam 1
A Dog blog themed site created with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and WordPress Headless REST API. With JavaScript Form validation, WordPress REST API GET and POST request functionality.

Square Eyes - HTML and CSS Course Assignment
Independent film streaming website. Created with HTML and CSS in the beginning. Improved over several courses with focus on JavaScript, Interaction Design and WordPress Headless API.

The Community Science Museum - Semester Project 1
A website for a local Science Museum. Target audience is primary and middle school children (7-15) and families with young children. Created only with HTML and CSS.